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Current Page : Area Description : Tuscany : Lucca : Careggine
Careggine is a small beautiful picturesque village in the Tuscan mountains. It is situated 882 metres above sea level making the air clean and fresh. The people are very warm and friendly and you can find everything you need in this self-sufficient village. Shops include: grocery, bakery, butchers, restaurants, bars and everything else that is needed to make your visit a relaxing and enjoyable stay.

Chiar di Luna is a very popular restaurant for not only the locals but for the surrounding villages. It has a few rooms which you have to book in the summer months, as it very popular with the Italian people who live in the city who come up to the mountains for the fresh air which Careggine has. The restaurant is very busy in the summer months and at weekend when they put on their special menu, all the food is all homemade and fresh the atmosphere is very friendly and with the panoramic views of the mountains it is simply a place to sit back and relax.

Distances (travel time by car)

Pisa Airport - 95 Km or 1 ½
Lucca - 65 km or 1 hour
Florence - 130 km or 2 hours
Seaside Resort of Viareggio and Forte del Marmi - 70km or 1 hour.

Nearest train station - Castelnuovo di Garfagnana - 13 km or 20 minutes